
gritty mouth feel.

hey blog. long time.

every time i travel i miss it more when i come home. i've decided to start an apprenticeship in a few months at the salon where i work, and with that i will gain knowledge and inevitable excitement. i will lose money and stability. and probably the ability to travel much at all.

all the more reason why i'm glad i had a good trip. even if that meant i fell asleep at 11pm every night. whatever, so sometimes it's normal to get wasted at 7pm. normal.

seeing sage was great... i have no idea when i last had a real talk with him, so it was awesome just walking around talking. it was the most fulfilling, and so much better than my trip to austin. just goes to show how much the people you stay with can affect your experience.

i didn't even realize i needed to get away until a few days before i left. once i was gone (and was forced NOT to worry about unpacking and all the shit i need to do) i realized how oppressed i'd been feeling lately. what a gross feeling. i've moved into my new apartment, but that's about the only life component that feels solid.

there's always so much to get done and i find myself taking up my time just thinking about it all. i'm a useful girl.

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