
one dollar each.

hey hey... i need to go to sleep but i thought i'd update this ish a tiny bit before i do that.

i went to austin with my friend magen last week. it was an okay trip, nice to get out of richmond but somewhat anticlimactic. i spent too much and now i'm back, concerned about money... but that's nothing new is it?

my hours have been cut at work. i'd like to think i'll make the most of the extra time, but so far i've been a bum. once the more meager paychecks start rolling in maybe i'll find the motivation to do some extracurricular money making. i really am a bum, though.

i have the itch to move again. a serious, deep itch, as it always is. this time i mean business and it's going to happen one way or another.

i've been worried about my dad but still not finding much more time to be over there than before. a family friend is setting up a calender of friends to help them out and so i'll be going over there every wednesday to put in as much time as i can and do as many chores as possible to take the load off of cynthia. i'm trying to focus on the positivity of helping out on those days in the future instead of feeling incredibly guilty for being a bad daughter.

i think we're all impatient for spring to be upon us. i am pretty over this weather. the time change really helped though, i anticipate many a dog walks in my future. stoked about that. really wish i were back in the fan already, but patience is something i'm forever learning to have, right?

alright, i should have been in bed an hour ago, i have another 9 hour shift ahead of me. nightnight!

1 comment:

Sage said...

chicago is gonna put austin to shame!