
pretty as a diagram.

so, i wrote an entry yesterday and deleted it two hours later. i try not to delete them, but my mood was so fleeting that i didn't feel like causing a ripple over something that didn't exist anymore.

last night a bunch of my buddies and i went duckpin bowling. it was fantastic. i was pretty okay at it! i had a lot of practice since i was bowling on both lanes. i'm such an overachiever.

i have very little to say today. sorry, my blog, all my worldwide faithful readers... there are things going on, awesome and not so. i always thought that someone with a disgusting house has some sort of depression; that their house is a reflection of their inner turmoil or some shit. i am not without conflicts, but overall i'm pleased. so i guess my (usually harsh and prematurely formed) judgment was pretty off.

for the weekend:
-help dad with some disc backup thing; hang out with katia at the same time
-buy cat food
-clean house
-produce mood board/illustrations for photo shoot garments
-get my dance on at one or more of the party times happening tonight.
-sleep a lot

mmm my weekend sounds mundane. i could throw in some trying-to-be-interesting sounding bits referencing some trendy chuck palahnuik or the new ferocious green album, but let's be honest, many of us, most of the time, have lists like this.

i would like some pancakes. hot ones. with maple syrup. aggagahghaghhahghhhh.

also, this is like the new postsecret for me. my friend got me addicted (thanks, i really needed another inter-addiction)... a softer world.

here're a couple good'n's for today.
(on the actual image if you scroll over it with your cursor it says 'but not in packs, please')

by the way, my friend just told me had a dream where she joined twitter. i was in the dream but she couldn't remember what i was doing. duh! what else? i was probably @emilyh-ing.

yeah, this is my life... jealous?

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