ok, first things first, why has my poll not been flooded with votes?
two people? two? stop being all scared about me knowing you wanna hook up with me, cuz i know ya'll are out there. don't be skerred. i won't bite ;-)
this week has been pretty good so far. i've been lucky to hang out with a variety of friends. i went to my coworker's dildo infused birthday party on saturday, only to meet up with a completely different (yet equally loved) group of friends at the bamboo later that night. then i vegged in my own dirt sunday and monday i went to kitchen 64 and then the triple to play pool. i was so horribly off my game at pool, i disgusted myself. simply disgusted. last night a bunch of us watched zodiac, which was good but far too long. luckily, it imparted us with some choice quotes. "before i kill you, i'm going to throw your baby out the window" and of course, robert downey jr is always funny. can he ever play someone other than his own character?
tonight i went to what was supposed to be a party, but ended up being several people struggling to play kings. which is fine, but kyle and i weren't drinking and i had eaten a bowl of oatmeal and a package of fig newtons way earlier today, and my stomach was vocally empty. so i filled it up scalding hot potato skins at fourth st (to those who aren't lucky rva natives, that's the city's roach infested 24 hour diner), while kyle, hillary and i discussed the ratio of people who spit vs. swallow. we were perfectly content amusing ourselves with discussions of sexual acts, but this crazy methed out shirtless white guy had to get all the attention by yelling and picking a fight with the cook, and subsequently punching and kicking the glass door multiple times on his way out. cops showed up, but he was already gone. i needed to get out of there before they noticed my car inspection negligence, so we deuced out.
i have to get up ass early tomorrow to go to a one hour body care product class at the salon at eight, and then i go back to work at 3:30 pm. whack. then i get paid friday, and i have the day off. fly times.
i'm putting in my two weeks notice at williams-sonoma on sunday. i am nervous because i have never quit a job before. i always just left because of school, or like with the tobacco program, the program ended. this will be the first time i have to quit. but the salon is giving me more hours, like 35 a week, so with class i think i don't want the added stress of WS, especially when the holidays roll around. the holidays at WS are rather hellish.
seriously... i want to do karaoke. i have never done it before, excluding karaoke revolution! i know, it's hard to believe. i would love it. one or two drinks = marina is a total ham. so yeah, let's do that sometime soon, people. i'll serenade to you. it'll be really sexy, crooning-like. oooh girl.
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Your poll doesn't show up in my feed reader so I had no idea it was there. How often does a person actually visit a blog?
Isn't everyone using a reader?
alright so I voted. But it was really tough. The 3rd and 4th options don't really apply to me.
My choice would be somewhere between options 1 and 2. I can't actually say out loud that I'd choose option 1
although secretly everyone knows the truth...
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