
the crazy keeps happening.

the days haven't gotten less weird.

my friend got hit by a car. an acquaintance had a 5 month miscarriage. mom lost her job. my ex/close friend is threatening not to come back from europe. katia's car broke down and is stationed behind my house. my dog got loose. more drama, drama drama.

last night a car was parked in the alley blasting the loudest music ever at 2 AM. then they were doing donuts back there and burned rubber coming and going a couple of times. one of these days i swear one of those drunk assholes is going to ram into my house. i also heard footsteps come around my bedroom. ugh, it scared the shit out of me. i'm glad i at least have a dog with a loud bark. it's times like that that i wish i had roommates.

on a lighter note, i made some pretty good oatmeal chocolate chip cookies yesterday for deanna's birthday. try it out if you want: vegan oatmeal chocolate chip cookie recipe! her party was fun. some of the usual suspects were there that always guarantee a good time. and this will be a short work week before my christmas vacation. i can't believe i'll be seeing mom in a week, time has passed so fast in the last few months, although at times it felt painfully slow. 2008 is almost over, and man, what a crazy year it's been.

this entry is lame. oh well! i'm not in a bad mood, just feeling kind of dazed. but this is sure to cheer the most bummed out person up, nevertheless:

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