
bag o' blog

so yet again, i was on a late night quest for a vegan treat. this time i was on the pursuit for holiday oreos. black cookies, red filling. my sister fondly referred to them as anarcho-punk oreos which resulted in much witty punk cookie-related banter between her and Chip.

so just like the aforementioned late night candy corn quest, it was a bust but i did find these gems.

hillary clinton doll. i can't even choose a joke to make about this.

if you need bags o' babies, bags o' undies, walgreens is the place. i wish i could get a bag o' whatever i wanted for $3.19! bag o' job freedom, bag o' iphone, bag o' hot body, bag o' train tickets... if only socks, bibs and onesies really was 'everything'.

i also remembered one of my dreams last night. i rarely remember them, so i'm stoked when i do, only to remember that very rarely do exciting things happen in them.

i go to a friend's apartment (not a real one, but in the dream it looked familiar). the door is hanging wide open and i go inside. immediately i see this dude (an acquaintance in real life) naked from the waist down and sitting on the floor in front of a tv, jacking off. i think "ok, that's repulsive" but he seems to be in his own little world and i don't say anything to him. i walk around the apartment to find several other dudes and a couple of girls also masturbating, randomly sitting on the floor or sprawled on chairs.

then i look down to see that i'm wearing blue and red ruched boy shorts with a smiley face on them and a blue tube top with a bra underneath. i am bewildered and wonder who is playing such a cruel joke on me. some of my girlfriends show up and they start talking to me. while they're talking, i get distracted, i keep having trouble keeping the tube top up, it keeps falling down... completely. embarrassing! but then i notice script on myself and realize i have tattoos. there's one between my breasts that says "Angel Wings" in script. then i see that i have lines that look like sun beams, radiating from my hips up to the angel wings tattoo.

then my dog woke me up. i am scared to wonder what explanation my mom would come up with (she used to dabble in dream interpretation) if i told her about this. group masturbation, skimpy disgusting outfit, shitty tattoos... thanks subconscious!

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