
pluto, you're always a planet in my eyes.

i don't really feel like giving a summary of my weekend, and i doubt anybody wants to read that anyway. but it was a good one. i was lazy during the day, fun at night. any proper weekend should be that way.

i saw william elliott whitmore friday night:

it was a good show, with a totally bizarre crowd. old with a weird former-punk-but-now-wearing-target-graphic-tees thing. i think murder by death, the headlining band, kind of explained that one. they were pretty awesome too. between the singer who's deep man voice shouldn't come out of the scrawny bearded body that was his, to the cellist who seemed incredibly horny and ready to mount her own instrument at any time.

also saw gordan gano's army and lemuria last night. no sweet camera photos of that because lemuria's set felt like it was over before it began. ah well there's always next time i guess. my sister compared them to paramore tonight. so bummed she did that.

spent some time chillin' with my animals this weekend, during the intense laze sessions. my dog is superior to all others. and probably stinkier.

my sister and i also met with amy about our tattoos (and to say hello and catch up) last night. december 7th! tattoo number 3. nobody cares, but i'm stoked. gon' be good. i can't wait to be judged for my SICK INK BRAH.

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